Creating a server Image:
1. Laptop on the same network as the device to be imaged
2. FTP server on the Laptop capable of supporting files over 4GB.
FileZilla recommended.
3. USB Harddrive connected to the laptop with two directories: img and g4l (by default g4l will look for and create images in the /img directory)
4. Get the g4l scripts (files3.tar.gz). File can be obtained at:
5. Unzip the zip file to the g4l directory on the USB drive.
1. You are using a CDROM ISO that is appropriate for your hardware platform architecture.
Windows or Linux - Use the G4L ISO. If you run in to issues regarding drivers, etc use Knoppix or System Rescue ISO.
2. Server can be booted from CDROM Drive
3. Server can see the network after being booted from CDROM
4. FTP Server is started on the laptop, anonymous access granted, read/write/delete access granted, and the laptop is connected to the network.
5. Root directory of your FTP Server is your external USB hard drive attached to the laptop.
1. Boot Server from CDROM. G4L-ISO, Knoppix or System Rescue CD
1a. If you are using the G4L-ISO you can skip down to step 17 assuming you have a DHCP server handing out an IP address.
2. Set IP Address if one was not assigned via DHCP (ifconfig eth0
3. Test network connectivity by pinging the FTP server
4. Create directory /tmp/g4l (mkdir -p /tmp/g4l)
5. Change directories to /tmp/g4l (cd /tmp/g4l)
6. FTP to the FTP Server (ftp
7. Log in (anonymous)
8. Change to the g4l directory (cd g4l)
9. Turn on binary mode (bin)
10. Turn on hash mode (hash)
11. Turn off prompt (prompt)
12. Get the g4l scripts (mget *)
13. quit
14. Change directories to / (cd /)
15. export PATH=$PATH:/tmp/g4l/
16. chmod 777 /tmp/g4l/*
17. Run G4L (/g4l)
18. Answer the following prompts: Yes, OK, OK
19. Config option D with the appropriate IP Address of the FTP Server
20. Config option E - Set the username and password (anonymous:foo)
21. Config option F - Set the name of the file you will be creating
22. Select Option H
23. Select the partition/drive you want to image
24. Confirm image process is under way
25. Wait.
26. When complete, you can exit the g4l utility and halt the system.
Restoring a Server Image:
Same as above
Same as above AND
1. The drive you will restore the image to is the same size or larger than the size of the drive you took the image from.
2. You know that by restoring your image to a drive of larger size will not automagically make your partition larger. If you restore to a larger drive you will need to use another tool (like gparted live) to change the size of your partitions.
3. You are fully aware that any data that existed on the drives prior to doing the restore will be wiped out. Make sure you restore an image to new drives, drives that contain no data, or drives you don't mind being wiped out.
Follow the same steps above until you get to #21
1. Here for option F, instead of putting in a name of an image to create, you will select the name of the image already created.
2. Instead of selecting option H to do a backup, select option I to restore.
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